Today, I want to share with you, how massage therapy with an incredible therapist changed my life forever (and I hope if you have the desire and chance, yours too !)
His name is Vladimir and for a few years now, I consider him as the “Hermit with Golden heads”.
I cannot count the number of times I came to yoga practices, massage practices, or individual practices with Vova-Voodoo (his nickname), but I can remember that these practices in the long term had deep positive effects on my emotional, mental and physical state. I found little by little more harmony, peacefulness and stability in my emotions and reactions.
We are human beings, which means we are emotional, multifaceted and deep. All our lives, we will go through different phases of changes and transformations that are more or less pleasant.
I started doing intensive yoga training in parallel with my ballet work for many reasons, mostly a tormenting desire to understand who I was, and what I was doing here in this life.
My favorite practice in the yoga center rapidly became the practice of Vova-Voodoo, surely because he was the one who had this special power that influenced and transformed the general vibe. It was never a waste of time; more often, I would say, a continual discovery of myself, and it helped me push my self-limitations.
After this, I naturally came to his massage, and I see how, as a Yoga teacher, his practice evolved and his massage therapy too. He is a man who always moves forward and tries to open himself new skills, basically to grow.
Vladimir became the man with Golden Hands, and he helped (saved !) my body, even in a critical state.
I nearly never until now have been injured, although I am already working a few years in the Mariinsky Theater, and this is with a heart full of gratitude that I write these words.
Of course, I can selfishly keep this experience and this therapist hidden, but why do such a thing when we can share it and maybe help someone ?
When I came to Vladimir to massage the first time, due to his background training, I came for a Thai massage, but I went out feeling that it was deeper than any experience I had had until now.
It was a massage for the soul, a dialogue with my inner child, a fall towards this inner emptiness.
I remember a friend saying that after the massage, you feel like a young girl or boy who has been given a lollipop, with the comfort of knowing, "Don't worry, everything will be okay".
Support. Yes, this massage feels as if, no matter how badly you will fall in your future experiences, you will always find this cloud, these hands, inside you to stand again
This sensation creates a big feeling of peacefulness, a place where finally a new life can begin, as if you are reborn from your own shadows like a phoenix from its ashes.
A life where you can finally be yourself, with no fears, no shame and a heart full of gratitude—the first gratitude for being alive.
But it was a long, long work—many therapies, many inside dreams, meditations, and falling inside with the destruction of my previous illusions and socially created beliefs.
If I had to do it again, I would do it.
“Будьте здесь будьте в себе ! (Be here, in the present moment, be in yourself)”