Yaroslavl, capital of the Golden Ring.

Today I want to share with you about my trip to the city of Yaroslavl, also known as the golden ring capital, located on the Volga river, 282 km northeast of Moscow.

When I heard that I would have to travel to a Small city by night train, I admit that my enthusiasm was pretty low.

But then, I read about the History of this city, especially the fascinating history of its creator, Yaroslav the Wise.

And it’s an exceptional story full of old family wars, power, Vikings, Byzantine influence and incredible changes. 

It was unbelievable to realize that this city, which I discovered in front of my eyes, was there 1000 years ago—yes, many differences, but one place on the famous Volga River.

I came there in winter; everything was covered in snow, the rivers were already fully frozen even though it was only the start of December, and the temperature was warmer than the previous weeks, a constant -10.

I guess the city might be truly beautiful and green; for sure, spring or summer are the best seasons.

The first impression was pleasant; I felt calmer than usual.

Yaroslavl is not a small city, but there is a chill vibe of provincial Christmas wonderland: a child playing on winter sledding, older men fishing on the frozen river, and younger men driving snow motorbikes. No matter how cold and windy the snow tempest is, there is a peaceful and magical calm.

I must admit that after a Russian snowy winter, a rainy French winter doesn't feel like a winter anymore.

Yaroslavl is considered a UNESCO World Heritage Site, located at the confluence of the Volga and Kotorosl rivers, it’s a city with a very rich and old history, being a strategic point of merchants and economic exchange.

Founded in 1010 in Old Rus by Prince Yaroslavl the Wise, one of Russia's most venerated rulers, as the first city on the Volga River.

Born in 978/979, he is the son of the Varangian Vladimir I the Great, descendant of Rorik-Rurik and Princess Rogneda, of Polotsk, descendant of the kings of Norway.

He was the prince of Rostov, then Prince of Novgorod and subsequently the grand prince of Kyiv.

Yaroslav, called the Wise for his love of education and science, established lasting ties with most of the ruling European dynasties and strengthened the borders of Rus.

He devoted a lot of attention to the internal organization of his State, trying to free it from the influence of the Byzantine Empire, but also in the religious field, through the construction of numerous churches.

During his reign, the future Russia was strong and united.

yaroslavl is the city of churches and monasteries; in every corner, you'll find a church tower and everywhere golden icons. To joke, I would say that after a trip there, you Definitely become religious, but as we know, in Every joke there is a part of truth.

I started reading more about the historical aspects of this period, and I have been astonished by many facts and knowledge I have never heard before, unfortunately.

Among them is that the current Russia is the heir of this KIEVAN RUS, which has in its bloody line direct descendants from the Vikings of Norway, and at the same time, the empire had incredible interaction and influence with the Byzantine Empire.

Of course, it makes the history, by extension, pretty complex but extremely fascinating and can explain not only the cultural and religious diversity but also the richness and power of modern Russia.

If you like serials and want to learn about the Vikings, I recommend you watch "VIKINGS".

I loved it!

I lived in an incredible hotel Palace called the Royal Hotel Spa Ярославль.

I highly recommend it.

It was a surprise to find such a high-quality palace in such a small city.

It's perfectly situated on the embankment, and it offers incredible services : clean and beautiful room, delicious breakfast, access to spa, sauna and massage zone, Bar…

You probably wonder why I came here.

In the middle of winter, I would hardly find time to travel, and even less in a small city. I didn’t hear about it before, so its existence was a new discovery.

I can then thank the mariinsky Theater.

We went on a tour there to dance the ballet “La sylphide”.

Usually, they give us some free time for acclimation and Enjoyment.

Let’s come back to serious Business, that can help you on your future trip to Russia.

What are the top attractions not to miss ?

  1. The Yaroslavn museum reserve.

  2. Park of 1000 Anniversary of Yaroslavl ( the Strelka Park) on the end of the Embankment.

  3. The Assumption Cathedral on the soviet Place.

  4. The Church of Elijah the Prophet.

  5. the Epiphany Church

  6. monument of Yaroslav the Wise and Sculpture of the Bear.

  7. St John the Baptist Church

  8. vvedenskiy Tolga Convent

  9. Walk in the cute center from the Theater Volkova, through the street Kirova.

  10. the russian state academic drama theater.

  11. yaroslavl art museum.

  12. church of st John chrysostom, church of the nativity, and many others…

    By the way, the city of Yaroslavl is featured on the 1,000 ruble banknote; next time, take a look.

I hope you enjoyed this unusual, beautiful and powerful small trip with me to one of the oldest Russian towns.
I wish for all of you to see it with your own eyes and feel it with your own soul.

See you soon somewhere else !


Meeting with Dancer: Leda Šeparović


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